According to Cortesão in his 'History of Portuguese Cartography', Volume II (1971) the four maps from G. Benincasa made in 1468 and 1469 are the "most important". Because on them "for the first time" the Cape Verde Islands are "represented" and the African coast reaches a little beyond Cape Mesurado.
Details of the four maps.
1. Benincasa 1468. British Library (London) Add MS 6390
Full map. Source: Garcia de Orta, 'Cinco seculos de cartografia das ilhas de Cabo Verde', A. Teixeira da Mota (1961) and Cortesão, 'History of Portuguese Cartography', Volume II (1971)
Detail with Cabo Verde Islands:
Owners: (1) unknown (2) Principe di Trabia e Butera (3) Otto Schäfer (4) H.P. Kraus (5) British Rail Pension Fund (6) unknown (7) unknown. More on this map in my blog 'Islands in Blue, Red, Gold Leaf and Green'.
Full map. Source: Garcia de Orta, 'Cinco seculos de cartografia das ilhas de Cabo Verde', A. Teixeira da Mota (1961)
Detail with Cabo Verde Islands:
3. Benincasa 1469. British Library
(London) ADD MS 31315
Full map:
Not found yet
Detail with Cabo Verde Islands:
Not found yet
4. Benincasa 1469. Biblioteca Ambrosiana
(Milano) SP2, 35
Full map. Source: Garcia de Orta, 'Cinco seculos de cartografia das ilhas de Cabo Verde', A. Teixeira da Mota (1961) and Cortesão, 'History of Portuguese Cartography', Volume II (1971)
Detail with Cabo Verde Islands: